M-Files Object Operations

Design the way you manage M-Files objects

Do more with objects in M-Files. Automatically create and validate new objects based on triggers, create templates and more.
Design the way you manage M-Files objects with Object Operations

Create object automatically by the rules you define.

Create templates with groups of connected objects, create new objects from completed assignments or when defined trigger happens, validate your newly created objects and track your objects with more advanced version numbering. Everything will be created by the rules you define to meet you business needs – all without unnecessary manual clicking and repeating.

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Data validation

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Advanced versioning

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Optimized business processes

Object Templates

Focus on important tasks at hand with Object templates module.

Clone all the referenced objects or documents when an object type marked as a template is created. In a matter of a few clicks you can have the whole object structure, cloned without the need to manually replicate it.


Track the progress of your assignments, and save the information you need.

Create a task completion object and every time a user completes a task, the necessary information is stored on the object. Choose what information will be stored after assignment is completed.

Object Creation

Automatically create new objects when the defined trigger happens.

Set property values and define conditions under which the object is created. For example, when a new project is opened, specific tasks will be assigned to the project manager automatically by the defined rules.


Achieve advanced validation process by validating properties on M-Files objects.

Whether you are creating or updating objects, whether the property is directly referenced on an object, or if it’s not directly visible – this module will search and check if the property exists or not.


Make collaboration with your team members effortless.

Make sure every version of the document is classified correctly. Define rules for major and minor versions of documents with simple or advanced numbering.

Extension Kit Core

Save time on implementation AND get more for your clients

Extension Kit gives you the leverage as an M-Files partner and helps you deliver a better solution faster, with better customer satisfaction.


Introducing Extension Kit Document AI: Add-on for AI-driven Document Management