Model Pipelines #
Enabled #
Specifies whether the model pipeline is enabled or not.
Class #
The class that this specific model pipeline is referring to.
Model #
For the chosen class, the service will continue to analyze the document with the chosen prebuilt model or custom extraction model.
Custom Classifiers #
Enabled #
If set to Yes, when a document for which the analyze button is called doesn’t have a class, the custom classifier is called.
Classifier ID #
ID of the Azure Document Intelligence classifying model.
For the free trial, we are offering a custom classifier model “cir” which classifies documents in three classes: Contract, Invoice and Receipt. In the future, Extension Kit Document AI will be able to create a custom classifier model from your documents in the vault.
Prebuilt Invoice #
Invoices can be of various formats and quality including phone-captured images, scanned documents, and digital PDFs. The Extension Kit Document AI analyzes invoice text; extracts key information such as customer name, billing address, due date, and amount due. Additional information about Prebuilt Receipt model can be found here.
Features #
- OCR High Resolution
Following fields can be setup in General Settings of AI Documents Kit Interactive Service:
Term | Type | Description |
PrebuiltInvoice_CustomerName | string | Invoiced customer |
PrebuiltInvoice_CustomerId | string | Customer reference ID |
PrebuiltInvoice_PurchaseOrder | string | Purchase order reference number |
PrebuiltInvoice_InvoiceId | string | ID for this specific invoice (often Invoice Number) |
PrebuiltInvoice_InvoiceDate | date | Date the invoice was issued |
PrebuiltInvoice_DueDate | date | Date payment for this invoice is due |
PrebuiltInvoice_VendorName | string | Vendor who created this invoice |
PrebuiltInvoice_VendorAddress | address | Vendor mailing address |
PrebuiltInvoice_VendorAddressRecipient | string | Name associated with the VendorAddress |
PrebuiltInvoice_CustomerAddress | address | Mailing address for the Customer |
PrebuiltInvoice_CustomerAddressRecipient | string | Name associated with the CustomerAddress |
PrebuiltInvoice_BillingAddress | address | Explicit billing address for the customer |
PrebuiltInvoice_BillingAddressRecipient | string | Name associated with the BillingAddress |
PrebuiltInvoice_ShippingAddress | address | Explicit shipping address for the customer |
PrebuiltInvoice_ShippingAddressRecipient | string | Name associated with the ShippingAddress |
PrebuiltInvoice_SubTotal | currency | Subtotal field identified on this invoice |
PrebuiltInvoice_TotalDiscount | currency | The total discount applied to an invoice |
PrebuiltInvoice_TotalTax | currency | Total tax field identified on this invoice |
PrebuiltInvoice_InvoiceTotal | currency | Total new charges associated with this invoice |
PrebuiltInvoice_AmountDue | currency | Total Amount Due to the vendor |
PrebuiltInvoice_PreviousUnpaidBalance | currency | Explicit previously unpaid balance |
PrebuiltInvoice_RemittanceAddress | address | Explicit remittance or payment address for the customer |
PrebuiltInvoice_RemittanceAddressRecipient | string | Name associated with the RemittanceAddress |
PrebuiltInvoice_ServiceAddress | address | Explicit service address or property address for the customer |
PrebuiltInvoice_ServiceAddressRecipient | string | Name associated with the ServiceAddress |
PrebuiltInvoice_ServiceStartDate | date | First date for the service period (for example, a utility bill service period) |
PrebuiltInvoice_ServiceEndDate | date | End date for the service period (for example, a utility bill service period) |
PrebuiltInvoice_VendorTaxId | string | The taxpayer number associated with the vendor |
PrebuiltInvoice_CustomerTaxId | string | The taxpayer number associated with the customer |
PrebuiltInvoice_PaymentTerm | string | The terms of payment for the invoice |
PrebuiltInvoice_KVKNumber | string | A unique identifier for businesses registered in the Netherlands (NL-only) |
PrebuiltInvoice_CurrencyCode | string | The currency code associated with the extracted amount |
PrebuiltInvoice_PaymentDetails | array | An array that holds Payment Option details such as IBAN,SWIFT |
PrebuiltInvoice_PaymentDetails_IBAN | string | Payment Option – IBAN |
PrebuiltInvoice_PaymentDetails_SWIFT | string | Payment Option – SWIFT |
PrebuiltInvoice_TaxDetails | array | An array that holds tax details like amount and rate |
PrebuiltInvoice_TaxDetails_TaxRate | string | Tax Details – tax rate |
PrebuiltInvoice_TaxDetails_TaxAmount | currency | Tax Details – tax amount |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items | array | Line items array |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_Amount | currency | The amount of the line item |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_Date | date | Date corresponding to each line item. Often it’s a date the line item was shipped |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_Description | string | The text description for the invoice line item |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_Quantity | number | The quantity for this invoice line item |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_ProductCode | string | Product code, product number, or SKU associated with the specific line item |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_Tax | currency | Tax associated with each line item. Possible values include tax amount and tax Y/N |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_TaxRate | string | Tax Rate associated with each line item. |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_Unit | string | The unit of the line item, e.g, kg, lb etc. |
PrebuiltInvoice_Items_UnitPrice | number | The net or gross price (depending on the gross invoice setting of the invoice) of one unit of this item |
Prebuilt Receipt #
Receipts can be of various formats and quality including printed and handwritten receipts. Extension Kit Document AI extracts key information such as merchant name, merchant phone number, transaction date, tax, and transaction total. Additional information about Prebuilt Receipt model can be found here.
Features #
- OCR High Resolution
Following fields can be setup in General Settings of AI Documents Kit Interactive Service:
Term | Type | Description |
PrebuiltReceipt_MerchantName | string | Name of the merchant issuing the receipt |
PrebuiltReceipt_MerchantPhoneNumber | phoneNumber | Listed phone number of merchant |
PrebuiltReceipt_MerchantAddress | address | Listed address of merchant |
PrebuiltReceipt_Total | number | Full transaction total of receipt |
PrebuiltReceipt_TransactionDate | date | Date the receipt was issued |
PrebuiltReceipt_TransactionTime | time | Time the receipt was issued |
PrebuiltReceipt_Subtotal | number | Subtotal of receipt, often before taxes are applied |
PrebuiltReceipt_TotalTax | number | Tax on receipt, often sales tax, or equivalent |
PrebuiltReceipt_Tip | number | Tip included by buyer |
PrebuiltReceipt_Items | array | |
PrebuiltReceipt_Items_TotalPrice | number | Total price of line item |
PrebuiltReceipt_Items_Description | string | Item description |
PrebuiltReceipt_Items_Quantity | number | Quantity of each item |
PrebuiltReceipt_Items_Price | number | Individual price of each item unit |
PrebuiltReceipt_Items_ProductCode | string | Product code, product number, or SKU associated with the specific line item |
PrebuiltReceipt_Items_QuantityUnit | string | Quantity unit of each item |
PrebuiltReceipt_TaxDetails | array | |
PrebuiltReceipt_TaxDetails_Amount | currency | The amount of the tax detail |