How to validate duplicate invoices in M-Files

Imagine this situation – an incoming invoice comes to several sectors in the company. Two employees put that same invoice in the M-Files, without being aware they are duplicates in the system. The two duplicates sow chaos in the M-Files until somebody figures out they are one and the same.

Sounds familiar?

We got you! In our world, “duplicate” is a synonym for “lack of efficiency” and here comes the solution.

Creating a duplicate invoices in M-Files

Did you know that you can get an error pop-up when creating an invoice that already exists in M-Files?

Yes, M-Files does recognize duplicates, but only by the MD5 value. However, in many cases, you will have the same document with a different size, name, version history, permissions and M-Files will miss the duplicate.

With the help of the Extension Kit Validation module, you can create validation rules based on Invoice Number, Customer, Invoice Date, or whatever property you consider important.

Avoid duplicate invoices with Extension Kit in M-Files

Let’s show how Validation module works.

We have a Class AP Invoice (Account Payable Invoice) with important Properties (Invoice Number, Vendor, and Invoice Date). All we do is create a rule to find duplicated invoice when new invoices are created.

Picture 1: Avoid duplicate invoices with Validation module in M-Files

If the Invoice you are creating has the same Vendor, Date, and Invoice number as the one already existing in M-Files, you will get an error message (in the form of pop-up) signaling you are trying to create a duplicate.

Let’s look at the demo:


With M-Files you already have a quality document management platform and now, with the avoidance of document duplication using Validation module, you can rely on it even more.

Check out our other modules of Extension Kit Core that can improve your information management experience or read more on Unitfly Insights!

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