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Hi Folks
Is there a way to create separate assignments for every entry of a search result? So, my search defined search has 8 results, and now I want to create 8 separate assignments and assign them to the user on the metadata card on the search result. Like "SearchResult.UserForAssignment"
Hi @daniel-mislovic,
What module are you using and how are you doing your search?
You can do it using Object Creation. Please see example of an configuration below (you need to you Advanced configuration mode for the rule):
The trigger source has the property "Users" which is Choose from list - Users.
Rule is setup so that the new object has the "Iterator property" from the source - Users. And the "Iterator item property" is Assigned to on the new object.
This means that new object is creator for each Users.
I know this is example is not 1:1 for your use case, but I hope it helps you.
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