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Hi together
What is the ideal configuration of the log? Currently, we have the difficulty that it contains too much information on the one hand, and too less in the event of an error.
This is a part of our log configuration:
Log Message Format:
${longdate} \t [Task: ${mdlc:TaskID}] \t [${mdlc:ModuleName}] \t ${mdlc:Vault} \t ${mdc:Rules} \t ${message}
This is an result example:
2024-03-26 11:24:03.0036 [Task: 180] [Document Processing] Error executing task "180" in module "Document Processing" on source "(0-17)" with the following directive Unitfly.ExtensionKit.Common.TaskDirectives.ExecuteRuleTaskDirective
No idea what the directive means: directive "Unitfly.ExtensionKit.Common.TaskDirectives.ExecuteRuleTaskDirective"
Unfortunately, we are missing the essential information on the error case in the "Document Processing" module.
Can anyone help?
Kind regards from Switzerland
Please try to change your File Target Log message format to this:
${longdate} [${level:uppercase=true:padding=3}] ${logger} [Task: ${mdlc:TaskID}] [${mdlc:ModuleName}] ${mdlc:Vault} ${mdc:Rules} ${message}${onexception:${newline}${exception:format=ToString:innerformat=ToString:separator=\r\n}}
This should log more detailed Warn messages.
Regarding the Default target (Dashboard log), it's recommended to leave the default log message format, because preview works only with default format.
With this configuration I get this kind of one column view:
What do I need to do, that I get more columns?
Hi @daniel-mislovic,
For the preview of the default log target (dashboard), only the default format is supported by design. However, if you download these logs, they will be structured according to the configured format.
Also these custom format will work for File, Database logging, etc.
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