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[Solved] Warning from Property Operations created an unspecified error event on the server.

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No long ago I had made a mistake in a configuration. This led to warnings in the dashboard. This was noted as something that would have to be dealt with, but nothing alarming. Soon after I incidentally had a look at the event log on the M-Files server. There I found a lot of errors with this text: "Only one transaction or operation should enlist into an existing operation or transaction concurrently." The source was M-Files but no further details was given to identify the problem.
I noticed that the error came in groups with 4 minute intervals. Incidentally I noticed warnings in the event log with the same intervals. At closer scrutiny they had appeared at the same time as the unidentified error messages. Fortunately, the warnings had details that linked them to Extension Kit and to the misconfigured module. So it turned out that the errors were not alarming after all. But they certainly had me up on my toes for a while! And it pushed me to correct that little mistake in the configuration a bit sooner than other tasks normally would have allowed.

I would encourage Unitfly to make sure that any errors send to the server's event log get details at least identifying Extension Kit as the source, and if possible also details on the source module.

1 Answer

Hi @karl-lausten 

you will never see errors in the event viewer generated by Extension Kit, if it is an error then it will be by M-Files running Extension Kit. This is something out of our control, hence the source of error is M-Files.



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