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I was overthinking this. I was able to get going with just the M-Files built-in auto-calculating properties. example: %PROPERTY_123.PROPERTY_321% ...
Looks like I'm able to get the Job Title copied over from the Reference if I use a Static Search but I can't figure out the Dynamic Searching. I have...
This worked great Nikolina. Thanks for the help. Another question on this since this is getting generated on creation of object would there be ...
@viktorzagajski Well, this is embarrassing. It is working now. For some reason I had the module disabled which I probably had my production vault an...
@viktorzagajski "Attached Agronomy BOL" is a multi-select property. I deleted out the "Monitored Properties" from both rules. How I'm test...
@viktorzagajski I'm finally getting back to this project. Here is what I have for Rule 1. And here is Rule 2 which should delete the Attached A...
@viktorzagajski Thanks for the write up Viktor. I might be doing something wrong though. I have tried multiple combinations to try getting it to work...
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