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Hi @daniel-mislovic, In the expression parser you provided there is a ")" missing at the end, as well as a number for the "idx" - <<REGEX(...
Hi @daniel-mislovic, I would propose you try solving this use case with multiple rules. 1. rule - orchestrated rule triggered when documen...
Hi @daniel-mislovic, I believe the answer for your questions is the same as your question at LINK. That answer is even more applicable for this use ...
Hi @daniel-mislovic, What module are you using and how are you doing your search? You can do it using Object Creation. Please see example of an co...
Hi @karl-lausten, using Auto Properties you can find some value in property 1 with REGEX which has integrated value from property 2. In ...
Thank you @karl-lausten, I have created a new user story for our developers, but currently I do not have any information if and when this change will ...
@jwittkopf with function "PreviousVersion()" you are calling out the previous version of a whole object. When you want to reference just one propert...
@karl-lausten could you please try with 1 rule but multiple property setters? So let's say you have 5 properties for each result and then 1 property...
Apologies you had to wait @karl-lausten. Unfortunately, it is not possible to extract multiple results from each Parameter. You would need one p...
Yes, you can now use this property and use a REGEX and save the results in a new property. You can do that in Property Operations by: Selecting ...
@jwittkopf, since the reversed process would be triggered from the different object, you would need new rules with the same logic for other object. ...
Hi @karl-lausten, Extension Kit does not have a possibility to manipulate with text from files. So what you are looking for is not possible. Only si...
@jwittkopf, Multi-select should not mess with the execution. Also, everything from the rules seems fine. Can you please send me the full configura...
Hey @jwittkopf, can you please tell me is the "Attached Agronomy BOL" multi-select or just a single value drop-down? And how did you test it? Firs...
Hey @daniel-mislovic, I believe 2 separate Property Calculations rules would help you. The first rule would be the one you already have, and the s...
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