M-Files Reporting

Advanced Reports with M-Files Data

Powerful data export and reporting features based on information stored in M-Files.
Advanced reporting in M-Files

Create detailed reports the way you want

Reporting capabilities of Extension Kit allow you to create custom data sets from information stored in M-Files. Choose the format in which you would like to export the data, as well as how (and where) this report will be stored in the end.

checkbox blue

No database required

checkbox blue

Multiple file formats

checkbox blue

Multiple export destinations

Specify when and how reports are created

Configure M-Files in different ways.

Specify when certain reports will be generated and delivered, for example, when object is moved into state, when property has been changed or when user wants to ad-hoc create a report directly from M-Files.

Multiple destinations for your reports

Whether report is automatically created, or the end user creates it manually, you can specify where you would like to store your report. Report can be stored directly into the vault, it can be sent via email or you can define the server destination where the generated report will be saved.

Advanced M-Files data filters

Specify filters in the same way users can do search filters using M-Files.

Define object types and classes you want to include in the report and filter the information based on ANY property you have in the M-Files.

Word, Excel, CSV or HTML

Different users need to consume reports in different ways. With Extension Kit you can choose among Word, Excel, CSV and HTML file formats for your reports. For each file format specify advanced settings like position in the document, headers, delimiters, style and many more.

Extension Kit Core

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Extension Kit gives you the leverage as an M-Files partner and helps you deliver a better solution faster, with better customer satisfaction.


Introducing Extension Kit Document AI: Add-on for AI-driven Document Management